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The CLA can trace its roots to August 6, 1890, when the Charleston Lake Anglers Association was formed. In the Summer of 1915, the organization changed its name to the Charleston Lake Association, with the motto: “for the improvement and protection and interests of Charleston Lake”.  In 1999, an affiliate organization, the Charleston Lake Environmental Association (CLEA) was formed as a Registered Charity, to focus on environmental projects on the lake and within its watershed. 

For more than 100 years, concerned citizens and users of Charleston Lake have worked diligently to ensure the lake provides a welcoming and safe environment, often in partnership with other NGOs and different orders of government.  Examples of notable projects over the decades include:


1891: Installation of a fishway to allow fish to bypass the Dam of the Gananoque Light and Power Co. at the lake’s sole outlet

1898:  First Sailing Regatta with Association markers, surveillance, and “crash boats” (which were actually used!)


1917:  Construction of a public wharf at Charleston Village (for the cost of $1000 in then-year dollars – more than $20,000 today)


1958:  Beginning of the Shoal Marker program (still ongoing to this day, with some 75 Transport Canada approved shoal marking buoys installed and removed seasonally by CLA volunteers)


1999: Creation of the Charleston Lake Environmental Association to enable greater focus on environmental projects and initiatives.​ Some of the key initiatives protecting fish, wildlife and birds around the Charleston Lake area include: 

  • 1999: Built two Osprey nest poles
  • 2000-2004: Peregrine Falcon reintroduction program

  • 2008: Fish Creel Census, Zebra Muscles and Algae Study

  • 2010: Fish research project with Carleton University

  • 2012:  Elimination of Lake Trout stocking program with Stewardship

  • 2016:  Charleston Lake CISCO (Lake Herring) Study

  • Ongoing: Build and install Loon Rafts

2000: Initiation of water quality testing program, conducted annually at seven specific basins around Charleston Lake (continuous, except 2020, due to Covid-19)

2015 - current: Partnership with Nature Conservancy of Canada and The Thousand Islands Watershed Land Trust (TIWLT) to preserve roughly 2000 acres of land in and around Charleston Lake to ensure these lands will remain undeveloped.  Projects include: 

  • SHEFFIELD PROPERTY - 650 acres - attaches to Charleston Lake in Donaldsons Bay, was turned over to the Provincial Park, CLA/CLEA contribution $10000.

  • OLD BALDY (Indian Head) - 140 acres transferred from a development project to The Nature Conservancy of Canada,  CLA/CLEA contribution $10000.  This was recognized in 2017 by Environment Canada as one of the top 150 projects in Canada for Canada150 celebrations.

  • LEADERS CREEK - 256 acres - 2 properties, Carson property 50 acres and one property of  206 acres, CLA/ CLEA contribution - Carson property $1000 and  $10000 for the other. 

  • FOSTERS BAY - 50 acres  - Thousand Islands Watershed Land Trust (TIWLT)

  • Dr ROSS PROPERTY - 900 acres ( Donaldson Bay)- (TIWLT)

  • HASKINS PROPERTY - 115 acres donated to the Provincial Park, near Tallow Rock Bay

  • 2015 Contribution towards the Thousand Acre Challenge - purchase of additional property on Leeder Creek contributed $10000

2005:  Raised funds for the County Park Pavilion


2006:  Publication of the Charleston Lake Plan 


2007-2010:  Initiation of the Stream Rehabilitation Program, in co-operation with the Leeds-Grenville Stewardship Council (Leading to the re-location of more than 1100 head of cattle out of streams flowing into the lake, thereby minimizing agricultural run-off, nutrient inputs and soil losses into Charleston Lake and watershed)

2007-2008: Developed shoreline manuals, in conjunction with CRCA,  that were handed out to each cottage on the Lake.

2011-2014: Land Conservancy and TIWLT - Slim Bay Bridge Project

2015-2019: Shoreline Challenge

2020: Signage at Boat Ramps with Cataraqui 


2020-2021: BASS Initiative

2023-2024: Launch of Lead Free Tackle Program

2023-2025: Fish Sanctuaries

2024: Video cameras on Loon nests

In addition to the projects above, the Charleston Lake Association (CLA & CLEA) continue to support their members with the following ongoing activities:

  • Water Testing

  • Shoal Markers

  • Summer Camp

  • Doug Hale Memorial Golf Tournament

  • High School Student Bursaries

  • Ontario Youth Summit

  • Signage at Boat Ramps

  • Handicap washroom at Charleston Village Boat Ramp

  • Conduct Loon surveys 

  • Maintain Info Center - a place for members to find info, buy environmentally friendly products, etc

  • Contribute to Charleston Lake Canada Day celebration

  • Liaison with the Townships and Municipalities on critical issues

  • Create summer jobs (e.g. summer camp counselors, Info Center manager, etc)

  • Communications via bi-annual newsletter, website and social media sites

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